Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Advent 3.7 - Mary, Star of the Sea

Josh spent his 11th grade year in Rennes, France. When we visited him over Christmas, we spent several days in Paris, and one evening we went to a Christmas concert of Gregorian chant at Le Cathedrale de Notre Dame. (Apparently this year's is on December 28, should you be in the vicinity!)

Michelle's post here brings back memories of that evening, with the musical composition having a connection to Notre Dame and with her own memories of first hearing it on a frozen night on this side of the Atlantic.

Two years, or even one year, ago, I could not have imagined that the memory of that frigid evening in Paris, all of us bundled up in an unheated 13th century cathedral, would bring me some measure of peace. But, painful as it is, I am grateful that Josh's short life included such a night of ancient music in a space whose heights were designed to soar to heaven.

1 comment:

Gberger said...

Oh, I agree with you...