Friday, December 17, 2010

Advent 4.3 - Who Are You Out There?

As a friend and I put the final touches on the Christmas in a Minor Key service we are leading Monday night, I've been thinking about something someone mentioned in the RevGals blog discussion of Blue Christmas services: how important the preparatory conversations have turned out to be. As we put up signs in coffee shops or make announcements, people tell us about their losses and about why they want to come to such a service.

As far as I can tell, the majority of folks visiting here this year are coming via a search for the Iona Community's Cloth for the Cradle prayer.

But regardless of your reason, I wish you'd leave a brief explanatory comment here. It seems that there are enough folks here to call it a community, but it's a very silent one.

Click "anonymous" if you want. But please do speak up, just this once.


Lesley said...

Hi Robin,
I came here via one of your other blogs, which I've been reading for a couple of years, having discovered it via the RevGals.
As someone who suffers chronic illness and has been all-but housebound for most of my adult life, I find your articulation of your own darkness and the light within it resonates strongly with my experience - and then takes me beyond it.
May God be with you and in you in the coming days,

Gannet Girl said...

Thanks, Lesley!

Guess that makes two of us.

SuzieQ said...

Make that three. I've been in and out the past few weeks. I found your other blogs 2 years ago when I was spending a difficult and depressed semester in Hungary. It seems it's a seasonal sort of depression, not uncommon by any means. But I love coming here and reading your posts Robin because there's nothing trite in how you talk about the dark things, the hard things. Just a willingness to look at what is and to try to see the cracks where the light gets in (or whence it gets out).


Anonymous said...

Thank you for this.

I was looking for Cloth for the Cradle and was glad to find you as well. Your honesty about darkness brought light to my afternoon. A little thing perhaps but most appreciated - unlooked for but not unwanted. Gracefully prepared grace.

Anonymous said...

I have visited this blog every Advent for the last few years. I can't even remember how I originally found it, but I know it has helped carry me through long lonely seasons. I am so grateful to be able to return to it and find solace here. Thank you for your words.