Friday, November 26, 2010

Advent 1.1 - Walking in the Light

"O house of Jacob, come, let us walk in the light of the Lord!"

~ Isaiah 2:5

If Advent is a season of darkness ~ of turmoil, of confusion, of sadness ~ it's difficult to hear it begin with these words. When burrowing under the covers and hiding out until the spring equinox seems like a plan, everything about this exhortation seems counterintuitive:

Community (House) ~ We are called to be together, not to isolate ourselves.

History and Inheritance (Jacob) ~ We are called to remember who we are, not to wish that we weren't.

Invitation (Come) ~ We are sought after, despite our feelings to the contrary.

Imperative (Let us) ~ We are called together to gather, do, respond, look forward, and not to curl up into a ball in the darkness.

Move (Walk) ~ We are called to put on foot in front of the other, not to remain rooted in sadness or fear.

Life (The light of the Lord) ~ We are invited into God's re-creating presence, into what God has been doing since the first day.

The Lord said, Let there be light.
Harris Gulko Painting

Is one part more difficult than the others? Does it all seem quite impossible? Some years, yes.

Perhaps that's why the first day of Advent begins with these words, so that we can begin to practice the impossible in preparation for the seeming impossibility of what we are waiting for.


Blue Eyed Ennis said...

I can't locate your name on the blog but I wanted to say that I find your blog very moving and very honest- hence I have become a "follower"- I am so sorry that your life has been crumpled by the loss of your son and there are now words that will be able to comfort you but the fact that you have stepped out to give faith and hope to others is a brave and humbling thing. Thank you and may your darkness attract even more of God's light this Advent. Blessings

Gannet Girl said...

Thank you, Philomena. This is an old blog under an old pseudonym, but if you click on Metanoia in the sidebar, there I am!

Terri said...

I have no church this year and no real church community either. So I have no idea how I am going to journey through Advent. I wonder about the incarnation and if Christ will be born anew in my life? Should I be worried that I'm wondering "if's" instead of "how's"? Maybe. Maybe not.

I've even given up my psuedonym for the time being and am going with my name.

I wonder...

Maybe reading your Advent blog will be how I anchor myself? Maybe?

Daisy said...

Thank you, Robin. Zing, right to the heart. So very much appreciated.


SuzieQ said...

Hi Gannet,

I heard these words especially keenly today in worship because I'd read this post yesterday...and God knows what I need it seems.
I've been duking it out with "mild" depression for the last weeks/months with varying degrees of success, and I'm grateful for your reflections on this blog. I am so blessed to be part of a community where I am now that holds me accountable to continue seeking the face of the Lord in all things, especially this difficult thing I'm grappling with currently.

More and more he's showing me that I cannot be a Christian alone - I cannot be my best self all alone. And reading your words (and especially now that I've ventured to actually start commenting) is part of that integration into the real Body of Christ for, thank you. And thanks be to God.
